Frequently Asked Questions

  • Our shelter would like to participate in the Challenge. Can anyone join?

  • One or more of the initiatives is not right for our shelter or community at this point. Can we still participate even if we don’t use all five?

  • I care deeply about the wildlife in my community and am concerned about predation by free-roaming cats. How will the Million Cat Challenge help?

  • We’re already euthanizing very few or no cats at our shelter. Can we be part of the Million Cat Challenge?

  • Our shelter is still struggling with rising euthanasia numbers for cats. Can we be part of the Million Cat Challenge?

  • Can rescue groups participate in the Million Cat Challenge, or is it only for shelters?

  • We are a spay/neuter provider that helps a local shelter save cats by providing surgery services for Return-to-Field, Trap-Neuter-Return, and Neuter-Before-Adoption. Can we participate?

  • I’m an animal advocate, and I’d like to support the Challenge. How can I help?

  • Our animal organization would like to support the Challenge. How can we get involved as an organization?

  • How do you calculate the lives saved in the Challenge?

A Partnership of:
Maddie’s Fund®, UC Davis Koret Shelter Medicine Program,
and Maddie’s Shelter Medicine Program at the University of Florida